Mental health in the workplace: effective measures and benefits 

The mental health of employees is crucial to the success of a company. A positive working environment promotes wellbeing and productivity. Investing in mental health can reduce absenteeism and increase performance. Find out how you can create a healthier working environment through targeted measures.

Impact of mental health on the company

The mental health of employees has a direct and significant impact on the success of a company. A positive working environment that promotes mental health is closely linked to productivity in the workplace. But what exactly is mental health? It is a state of well-being in which a person can fully utilize their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to the community. 

There are numerous studies that show that poor mental health has a negative impact on employee performance and therefore on the company as a whole. People who suffer from depression, for example, are more likely to call in sick or are less productive when they show up for work. This not only leads to an increased sickness rate, but also reduces productivity and general well-being in the workplace. 

Investing in mental health is worthwhile for many reasons. According to a study by Sapien Labs, poor mental wellbeing leads to an estimated 12 to 17 days of lost productivity per month. In comparison, employees with good mental health only lose around 1.27 days of productivity per month. These numbers impressively illustrate how essential it is to implement measures to promote mental health in companies.  

By investing in the mental health of their employees, companies not only create a healthier and happier working environment, but also strengthen their own competitiveness and performance on the market. 

How companies can improve the mental health of their employees

In today’s fast-paced world of work, it is crucial to promote the mental health of employees. Companies that invest in such initiatives not only support their employees, but also create a positive company culture. Here are some effective ways in which companies can improve the mental health of their employees through benefits:

1. Flexible working arrangements:

Providing flexible work hours or remote work options allows employees to better manage their work-life balance. Flexibility reduces the stress associated with commuting and creates more time for self-care. Working conditions should be adapted to the employee’s personal circumstances. Special events such as pregnancy should be supported by the employer, for example by allowing time off for medical appointments.

2. Employee assistance programs (EAPs):

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are special support programs offered by companies to promote the mental health of their employees. EAPs offer confidential counseling services that employees and their families can use. Confidentiality is key to breaking down barriers and encouraging employees to take advantage of them. EAPs address a variety of issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship problems and financial concerns. Employees can seek advice on personal or professional challenges. It is important to note that EAPs provide valuable general support and are a good first step, but cannot replace in-depth and individualized professional counseling.

3. Open communication channels:

An open and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable talking about their mental health is an important factor that contributes to a pleasant working atmosphere. Training for managers and employees can help to recognize signs of stress and provide appropriate support.

4. Support physical health

Mental health is highly dependent on our physical well-being. Prolonged physical ailments can cause stress, anxiety and depressed mood. An important aspect that is often overlooked is women’s health. Issues such as miscarriages, the unfulfilled desire to have children or the stresses of menopause can have an impact on employees’ mental health. Although these topics are often still taboo in the workplace, they have a significant impact on productivity and employee loyalty to the company. Companies can offer targeted advice and education programs with experts to promote the physical and mental health of their employees 

5. Relaxed working environment and nature for stress management 

A relaxed working environment can have a significant impact on the mental health of employees. In particular, the opportunity to spend time in nature can reduce stress and increase well-being. Green environments, such as parks or gardens, offer a welcome break from the office routine and allow employees to get some fresh air and relax. Outdoor walks can improve concentration, stimulate creativity and increase general well-being. Companies can support this by creating green quiet zones or even organizing outdoor meetings. Such measures help to reduce stress and promote the mental health of employees. 

How Onuava can help

Our platform provides comprehensive counseling designed to alleviate both physical and mental stress associated with family planning and women’s health issues, significantly contributing to the mental well-being of employees. Infertility impacts approximately one in six individuals during their lifetime, regardless of gender, and can be accompanied by anxiety and depression for both the affected person and their partner. Onuava offers expert knowledge on various topics including the desire to have children, social freezing, solo motherhood, rainbow families, and menopause. 

Through targeted support in Fertility & Family Building, our services enhance employee health by offering specialized coaching and training for managers and colleagues. This helps them better understand and support issues related to fertility and family building. These initiatives not only expand knowledge about the challenges of family planning, fertility, and menopause but also foster a more open and supportive working environment. Employees feel supported and understood, which positively impacts their mental health. 

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