Become a Talent Magnet with Fertility & Family Building Benefits

With Ferility Benefits and Famil employers can support their employees on all topics related to family building and female health. With our comprehensive offer, we meet the individual needs of companies – there is a suitable offer for every company size and budget.

Not offering Fertility & Family Building Benefits?
Doing nothing has a price

Many companies underestimate the financial consequences they already bear today if employees affected by infertility are not adequately supported.


of fertility patients state that they feel depressed often or all the time.


of fertility patients don’t feel adequately supported at work.


of women resign during fertility treatment as they struggle to manage work and treatment in parallel.


indicate in a study that they would change employers for fertility & family building benefits.

Offering Fertility & Family Building Benefits pays off for employers

Better mental health

Better support during this emotionally stressful phase improves the well-being of employees and reduces sick days.

Improved loyalty & retention

Employees who are supported by their employer during a difficult phase in their lives are demonstrably more grateful and loyal.

Increased productivity & easier planning

Better mental health and motivation lead to higher productivity. With open communication, absenteeism can be better planned for.

Clear sign of family friendliness

Nothing signals a family-friendly corporate culture as clearly as when a company already supports starting a family.

Supports inclusion & diversity

Offering Fertility & Family Building Benefits is a sign of and promotes an inclusive and diverse corporate culture.

Attractive employer brand

Family-friendly and inclusive companies that support their employees during difficult life phases are true talent magnets.

How we support our members

All members can access our exclusive end-to-end fertility & family building platform


Medically sound information on all issues related to the path to parenthood: fertility optimisation, social freezing, fertility treatment, relaxation, miscarriage, pregnancy support, birth, LGBTQ+, solo motherhood, adoption/foster care, saying goodbye to the desire to have children.


Direct access to our pool of qualified and experienced fertility counsellors and coaches, unlimited 1-to-1 counselling and coaching sessions, availability all year round within 48 hours, easy booking via our members area.

Financial Support

Support in applying for state/federal subsidies. If the employer pays a cash subsidy for fertility treatment, our members also benefit from comprehensive cost coverage and efficient reimbursement and processing.


Support in the development of a Fertility Policy tailored to the needs of the company, conduct awareness webinars and trainings on how to deal with infertility, fertility treatments and miscarriages in the work context.

We support members regardless of their individual starting situation

Tom & Lisa

  • Trying to conceive for 2 years
  • Initial examinations by the gynaecologist indicate a reduced egg reserve


  • Emotional stresses of treatment in parallel with your job
  • Choosing the right fertility centre
  • Understanding the treatment options
  • Amount of the expected treatment costs

How Onuava helps

  • Support in the choice of clinic
  • Employer subsidises treatment costs, easy and timely reimbursement
  • Unlimited access to psychological counselling and coaching
  • Targeted nutritional counselling to optimise fertility
  • Supportive fertility policy developed together with employer

Lucy & Tina

  • Married, lesbian couple looking to start a family
  • Would like to start a family, but are still unclear about how to go about it


  • Possible ways of starting a family (e.g. co-parenting, private sperm donation vs. sperm bank, shared motherhood, IUI vs. IVF etc.)
  • Treatment options at home and abroad
  • Treatment costs as a self-payer
  • Adoption process for non-bearing mother

How Onuava helps

  • Information on treatment options at home and abroad
  • Support in choosing a clinic
  • Employer subsidises treatment costs, simple and prompt reimbursement
  • Supportive fertility policy developed together with the employer


  • Late 30s and single
  • Has a strong desire to have children, but does not have the right partner to make it happen
  • Given her age, does not want to lose time and wants to start a family without a partner


  • Possible ways of starting a family (e.g. co-parenting, private sperm donation vs. sperm bank, IUI vs. IVF/ICSI etc.)
  • Choosing a clinic that treats solo mothers
  • Treatment costs as a self-payer and general financial security

How Onuava helps

  • Support in the choice of clinic, especially with regard to factors relevant for solo mothers
  • Advice on treatment options
  • Employer subsidised treatment costs, easy and timely reimbursement
  • Unlimited access to psychological counselling and coaching
  • Supportive fertility policy developed together with employer
Frau Anfang 30


  • Early 30s and single
  • Has just separated from her partner, starting a family does not seem possible for her in the foreseeable future
  • Definitely wants to have children and preserve fertility for later


  • Choosing the best fertility centre for herself
  • Questions about the number of eggs needed to have a “safe reserve”
  • Financial burden of treatment
  • Physical burden of treatment parallel to job

How Onuava helps

  • Support with clinic selection
  • Information on the statistical probability of birth depending on age and number of frozen eggs
  • Employer subsidises treatment costs, easy and timely reimbursement
  • Unlimited access to psychological counselling and coaching
  • Supportive fertility policy developed together with employer

Become a Talent Magnet

Our modular offer enables companies to introduce Fertility Benefits and Family Building Benefits step by step.


Fertility & Family Building Platform
  • Comprehensive information
  • Unlimited counselling & coaching
  • Medically sound
  • Easily accessible, bookable anytime
  • 100% anonymous


Plus Financial Support
  • All aspects of the basic package
  • Development & roll-out fertility policy
  • Advice regarding state subsidies
  • Authorisation & reimbursability check
  • Reimbursement

How does it work for companies



Onboarding tailored to your company, introductory and awareness webinars and workshops, FAQs and support for the introduction of a fertility policy.



Easily add/deregister employees via employer dashboard, allocate budgets and permissions.

Reports and analyses

Analyses & Reports

Access to anonymised usage reports and regular member satisfaction surveys.

Would you like to know more about Onuava?

Our experts will guide you through the functions and added values of the Onuava platform and find the right solution for your company.

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Simply fill in your contact details and we will be in touch to answer your questions and discuss the next steps.