FAZ: This is the state of the German start-up scene (in German)

When Julia Reichert decides to put all her eggs in one basket, the world is just coming apart at the seams. In March 2022, a few weeks after the outbreak of the Ukraine war, the management consultant founds her health start-up Onuava. She wants to develop a platform for companies to support employees financially, with information and advice, when it comes to fertility treatment. In German.

KlartextHR: Fertility Benefits – the desire for children and employer branding (in German)

In podcast episode #68 of Klartext HR, Stefan Scheller talks to Dr. Julia Reichert, founder of the platform Onuava, about “Fertility Benefits – the desire for children in employer branding”.

While many employers in the USA and Great Britain already offer so-called fertility benefits, the topic is still largely unknown or taboo in Germany. In German.